Thank You, NY Voters, For Leaving Prop 3 Blank

Thank you to the over 20% of NY voters who chose not to answer the ballot proposition #3. Thanks. Really. Thanks for taking the time to care. I am convinced that the majority of voters had no clue what the proposals were for and what they meant. They read the few sentences and voted yes or left blank based on that little info. That is scary. The pols who put those proposals there know that and they could do anything they wanted and it would most likely pass. Prop 3 will probably pass with under 50% of the vote being yes.

Here’s percentages of voters as of 10:45 pm that left Prop #3 blank:
Bronx 42%
Queens 36%
Manhattan 28%
Kings 37%
Rockland 33%
Suffolk 18%
Essex 27%

Thanks again for those blank votes. But I do know this: 100% of voters will be paying for the outcomes of this $2 billion of NEW borrowing you just gave the Governor and his chosen few. You will be paying for this for up to 30 years with over $155 million in interest payments alone every year. This will now officially put NY pretty much at it’s state debt ceiling limit. After all, this was just free money, right? Who says no to that.

And on top of it NY voting numbers and turnout are dismal. Once again a minority of the people making decisions for the majority of us. 2% of NY voters left blank their choice for governor. That’s half as many than voted for Green Party candidate Hawkins.

All politics is local.

(Data from link above as of 11:15pm 11/4/2014)

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1 Comment

  1. Yesterday, a friend ran up and assured me that he voted for the Smart Schools bond.


    This bond was all about fooling New Yorkers to pay for the technology to administer the PARCC tests.

    Thank you, Brian, for writing such intelligent pieces against the bond. You did the right thing.


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